Part nutritional education, part sugar detox, part support group – an empowering combination!

The 5-week RESTART® program is a simple, powerful way to give your body a vacation from having to process toxins like sugar.
With a 3-week sugar detox built right in, the program focuses on how to use REAL FOOD to boost your energy and cut sugar and carb cravings. Discover how good you can feel! 

BENEFITS you can expect from the RESTART® Program:

• Weight Loss

• Increased Energy

• Better and more restful sleep

• Boosted immune system

• Mental clarity and improved mood

• Decreased anxiety

• Reduced PMS/Menopause symptoms


Week 1: How to prepare for your REAL FOOD sugar detox Week 

Week 2: Your digestive check-in. 

Week 3: What sugar really does in your body

Week 4: The truth about FATS

Week 5: How to move forward and celebrate your success! 

Email  me for class information and when you can start your 21 day transformation.